The County Clerk is the county recorder. As county recorder, the County Clerk is responsible for:
- processing, filing, and recording most of the official county documents (i.e.) real and personal property records, liens, assumed names, abstracts, bonds, livestock marks and brands, city, county and school district budgets, subdivision plats, military discharges, marriage licenses, birth and death certificates, and wills,
- providing indexing and public access to these records,
- issuing certified and non-certified copies of documents recorded in this office, and
- assessing, collecting, and reporting the fees and cost
The County Clerk is also the records administrator for the Commissioner’s Court and the County Courts at Law. The clerk’s office supplies support personnel for civil, criminal, probate and mental health court matters. Also, as an ex-officio member of the Commissioners Court, the County Clerk serves as recorder and records manager.
In an effort to reduce the risk of property fraud, the Angelina County Clerk, Amy Fincher, has partnered with Avenu Insights Property Fraud Alert, a free service for Angelina County constituents. Register at https://pfa.uslandrecords.com/Default.aspx to protect your property from fraud.
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 908
Lufkin, Texas 75902-0908
Phone 936-634-8339
- Amy Fincher – County Clerk
Forms & Information
- Application For Birth/Death Certificate. If you are mailing your request, mail to: Angelina County Clerk’s Office P. O. Box 908 Lufkin, Texas 75902-0908
- Acceptable Identification for Birth Certificate Requests
- Assumed Name Form (Unincorporated)
- Abandonment of Assumed Name
- Civil Case Information Sheet
- Statement of Inability to Afford Court Costs
- Small Estate Affidavit
- Small Estate Order
- Guardian’s Report on the Condition and Well-Being of a Ward
Military Discharge:
The military services encourages military personnel to file their official discharge with the county clerk in the county of residence. This includes members of the United States Armed Forces, the United States Armed Forces Reserve, or an armed forces auxiliary.
Texas Local Government Code, Sec. 192.002 authorizes the county clerk to file the military discharge at no cost.
By filing the military discharge form in the public records, a permanent record is maintained for future proof of service for veterans’ benefits. The original is returned to the owner after recording.
These records, by law, will only be released to qualified applicants as identified in Texas Government Code, Sec. 552.140.
Marriage License:
Acceptable Identification to Apply for a Marriage License
Effective September 1, 2017
SB 1705: TX Family Code §2.003
No one under the age of 18 may apply for a marriage license without a court order authorizing the marriage
In the State of Texas, to apply for a marriage license, per Texas Family Code Section 2.002 each person applying for a license must appear before the county clerk; and submit proof of identity and age as provided by Section 2.005(b)
72-hour waiting period
Per Texas Family Code 2.204 a marriage ceremony may not take place during the 72-hour period immediately following the issuance of the marriage license. This waiting period does not apply to a member of the armed forces of the United States and on active duty; Department of Defense; who obtains a written waiver from a Judge with family law jurisdiction; completes a premarital education course approved by the State as described in Section 2.013
Application for Marriage License
Marriage License Application Form
Absent Applicant
Texas Family Code Section 2.007(c) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the clerk may not issue a marriage license for which both applicants are absent unless the person applying on behalf of each absent applicant provides to the clerk an affidavit of the applicant declaring that the applicant is a member of the armed forces of the United States stationed in another country in support of combat or another military operation.
Absent Applicant Form
State-approved premarital education course:
72-hour waiting period is waived and the cost of the license is reduced. For more information, please visit: www.twogetherintexas.com
Copy of Marriage License
Only certified copies of marriage records will be released. This office only has on record the licenses that were purchased in this county and returned for recording, regardless of where the ceremony took place. The fee for a certified copy of a marriage license is $7.00 each.
Application for Certified Copy
Correction to Marriage License
Texas Family Code Section 2.209(c) provides for corrections to a recorded marriage license provided that both parties to the marriage execute a notarized affidavit stating the error.
Correction Affidavit Form
Important Notices:
The Public Information Act
Texas Association of Counties : Memorandum
Attorney General of Texas Greg Abbott : Opinion No. GA-0519
Release and redaction of social security numbers under the Public Information Act, section 552.147 of the Government Code (RQ-0418-GA)
The Texas Supreme Court requires all Civil, Family, and Probate cases to be filed electronically. Please visit www.efiletexas.gov for more information.
The County Clerk accepts all major credit cards
For Legal Self Help, visit http://texascourthelp.org/ & www.sll.texas.gov
The County Clerk’s Office no longer conducts CRIMINAL/BACKGROUND SEARCHES.
Please visit dps.texas.gov for more information.