COVID-19 Operating Plan for the Angelina County Courts
COVID-19 Standing Order Prohibiting Electronic Recordings
The 159th District Court and the 217th District Court share concurrent jurisdiction over all felony criminal cases and all civil cases that are filed in the district courts. In addition, the district courts have concurrent jurisdiction with the County Courts at Law on all domestic relations cases .
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 908
Lufkin, Texas 75902
- Phone 936-639-3913
- Fax 936-639-3917
Amendments & Information
- Fifth Amended (2020) Local Court Rules of Angelina County for the Timely and Fair Appointment of Counsel for Indigent Defendants
- Angelina County District Court Local Rules
- Best Practices for All Court Proceedings COVID-19
- Amended Angelina County Juvenile Indigent Defense Plan
- Order for Exchange of Benches for the 159th and 217th Judicial District Courts
- Local Rules Pertaining to Court Record by Electronic Recording and Court Recorder
- Joint and Mutual Standing Order on Children, Property, & Conduct of Parties
Staff / Email:
- Todd Kassaw – Judge
- Krystal Barrett – Court Coordinator
- Tiffany Silva – Court Recorder
- Noe DeJesus – Court Bailiff