The Office of Emergency Management is responsible for the development and implementation of a comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. The purpose of this plan is to provide for an effective emergency management operation in Angelina County and the cities thereof in case of a national emergency, war, natural disaster, man-made accidents, technological accidents, or other major incidents. This Emergency Management Plan defines who does what, when, where, and how, in order to:
mitigate the effects of a hazard
prepare for measures to be taken which will minimize damage
respond during emergencies and provide whatever aid and assistance is necessary
establish a recovery system in order to return the community to its normal state of affair
Mailing Address
P. O. Box 908
Lufkin, Texas 75902-0908
Phone 936-634-8731
Fax 936-634-2258
State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR)
English VersionSpanish Version
English Version Spanish Version
Emergency Management in Texas dates to 1951, with the passage of the Civil Protection Act by the Texas Legislature. The Texas Disaster Act of 1975 created the Governor’s Division of Emergency Management (DEM). The Emergency Management of today is a multifaceted comprehensive program for dealing with all large scale emergencies and disasters. The Mayor of each incorporated municipality and the County Judge of each county is designated as the Emergency Management Director for each political subdivision. As the Governor’s designated agents, the Mayor and County Judge may exercise the powers, on an appropriate local scale, granted the governor by the Texas Disaster Act of 1975. They may also designate a coordinator (EMC) to serve as an assistant. Political subdivisions may establish inter-jurisdictional agreements to manage and mutually benefit from local emergency management programs.
Hurricane Preparedness Information
Helpful Links
Angelina County & Cities Health District
- Ultimate Guide to Disaster Preparedness on a Budget
- Preparing for Winter Storms
- Hurricane Resources
- Coronavirus Information & Resources
- Texas Flu Season Resources & Updates
- How to Reconstruct & Recover Records after a Disaster
Individual and Family Resources
- Check Road Conditions: DriveTexas.org
- Winter Weather Resources: Ready.gov/winter-weather
- Statewide Warming Center Map
- Find a Texas Licensed Plumber here
- Stay Connected: twitter.com/TDEM
- Winter Preparedness Video in English
- Vídeo de preparación para el invierno en Español
Report Damage
Fill out an Individual State of Texas Assessment Tool (iSTAT) damage survey.
Complete una encuesta de daños de evaluación individual del estado de Texas (iSTAT).
Winter Weather Resources From Texas Emergency Management Council State Agencies & Partners
- Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service: Winter preparedness and recovery information from the Extension Disaster Education Network.
- Texas A&M Forest Service: “After the Storm” tree care and oak tree winter storm recovery information, follow @AllHazardsTFS
- Texas Animal Health Commission: Extreme winter weather resources for animal owners
- Texas Commission on Environmental Quality: Water shutoff information
- Texas Department of Insurance: Insurance claim filing helpline phone number is 1-800-252-3439, podcast addressing water damage and frozen pipe prevention
- Texas Department of Public Safety: Texas Roadside Assistance 1-800-525-5555
- Texas Department of State Health Services: Disaster Planning & Kit Information
- Texas Department of Transportation: Check road conditions online or by calling 1-800-452-9292, follow TxDOT on Twitter.
- Texas Health & Human Services Commission: Dial 2-1-1 for social services and disaster-related information such as extreme weather shelters, warming centers, crisis counseling, and food, rent and utility payment assistance.
- Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: Online resources
- Public Utility Commission of Texas: Winter storm links, outage maps, contact information to report outages
- Texas Water Development Board: Real-time weather data
- Texas Workforce Commission: Customer Relations: 1-800-628-5115, twc.texas.gov
- University of Texas at Austin: Emergency webpage
- American Red Cross: Winter Storm Preparedness Information, Find an Open Shelter.
Angelina County Flood Plain Management
Application Form For Single Residential Lot or Structure
Amendments to National Flood Insurance Programs Maps - Community Acknowledgement Form