The District Clerk’s Office is an integral part of the function of the district courts as provided by Article 5, Section 9 of the Texas Constitution. The District Clerk is the registrar, recorder and custodian of all court pleadings, instruments, and papers that are part of any legal cause action in any District Court. There are 2 District Courts, Attorney General Court, CPS Cluster Court and 2 County Courts at Law in Angelina County.
The District Clerk’s Office is the nerve center of the District Courts and all family cases in the county courts at law, the link between the courts and the people, as well as the heart of a large network that provides vital information to other agencies and offices.
Some of the other ministerial duties that the District Clerk performs are:
- Filing and assigning causes of action in civil, criminal, and family matters, including divorces, name changes, serious personal injuries, child support and custody, delinquent taxes, felony indictments, revocations, bond forfeitures, non-disclosures, and expunctions
- Issuing writs, citations, abstracts of judgment, executions, warrants, restraining orders, temporary orders, show cause orders, and subpoenas
- Preparing civil and criminal appeals
- Maintaining exhibits
- Attending trials
- Providing clerical support in courtrooms
- Indexing records
- Performing background searches
- Maintaining permanent records
- Depositing and maintaining funds paid into the Registry of the Court
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 908
Lufkin, Texas 75902
Phone: 936-634-4312
Fax: 936-634-5915
Email: mmoore@angelinacounty.net
Due to new fees EFILE is having technical difficulties accepting new filings. Please be patient with us, thank you!
Beginning July 1, 2015, the Texas Supreme Court requires all Civil, Family and Probate cases to be filed electronically. Angelina County is already live and accepting filings. Please visit www.efiletexas.gov for more information or email dcefile@angelinacounty.net if you have any questions.
Angelina County District Clerk’s Records:
Our records are now available digitally at www.idocket.com.
Important Notices:
Upon rejection of any E-file Document, the District Clerk’s office will not copy the previous file stamp and will be filed upon acceptance.
We don’t accept attachments other than cover letters.
The Public Information Act
Texas Association of Counties : Memorandum
Attorney General of Texas Greg Abbott : Opinion No. GA-0519
Release and redaction of social security numbers under the Public Information Act, section 552.147 of the Government Code (RQ-0418-GA)
Joint and Mutual Standing Order on Children, Property, & Conduct of Parties