The Indigent Health Care and Treatment Act was passed by the first Special Session of the 69th Texas Legislature in 1985. This legislation made local governments responsible for providing medical care to indigent persons who meet certain criteria.
- Residency – Each county is responsible for their indigent. It is the responsibility of the client to prove residency in Angelina County.
- Household Composition – This program was set up to cover single adult males, non-pregnant females without dependent children, and couples without dependent children.
- Income – The countable monthly income cannot exceed the TANF payment standard, approximately 21 percent of the federal poverty level.
- Resources – Includes all assets or possessions, both liquid and non-liquid that are legally available to the household.
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 908
Lufkin, Texas 75902
- Phone 936-634-5431
Staff / Email:
- Deidra Turner – Administrator 936-634-4232
- Melissa Vaughn – Case Manager 936-634-5431
- Trisha Choate – Secretary 936-634-5431