TEXAS JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM FILES AND RECORDS A parent and child’s guide to understanding automatic restriction of access to records. PARENTAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES A parents guide to understanding their rights and responsibilities in the Texas Juvenile Justice System. A GUIDE FOR PARENTS AND THE PUBLIC Recognizing and reporting abuse, neglect, and exploitation, of children in Texas Juvenile programs and facilities. COMPLAINTS INVOLVING JUVENILE PROBATION PROGRAMS AND SERVICES IN TEXAS A guide to filing a complaint with the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission QUEJAS SOBRE LOS SERVICIOS Y PROGRAMAS DE PROBATORIA DE MENORES EN TEJAS Una guia para presentar una queja con la comision de probatoria de menores (Texas Juvenile Probation Commission) VICTIM OF A JUVENILE CRIME? YOUR RIGHTS Rights of victims of juvenile crime TEXAS JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM FILES AND RECORDS A parent and child’s guide to understanding automatic restriction of access to records. EXPEDIENTES Y ANTECEDENTES DEL SISTEMA JUDICIAL DE MENORES DE TEXAS Guia para padres y hijos para entender la restriccion automatica al acceso a los entecedentes penales. NOTICES Notices To Clients NOTICIAS Noticia para clientes